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I'm a single mom with an almost 13-year-old boy who is beginning to find his way in the world, while his mother has started to lose hers.

Monday, June 22, 2009


 Thirty might seem kind of strict, but the truth is, once your sperm count begins to dip, you need to start being concerned about the rest of your body. Not only do you look ridiculous on a skateboard, but you're endangering yourself and the other kids at the skate park. Yes, if you're still skating in your 30s, you're a kid. 

Just so you know, and this isn't meant to be harsh but rather to help you - the other kids at the skate park don't think you're cool. They feel a bit bad for you. Life is meant to go in stages, and by now you should be focusing on your career and your family. If you don't yet have a family, it's time to start thinking about that. If you don't want a family, it's still time to settle down. Get off the board, go to work and join the in the ranks of grown-ups.

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