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I'm a single mom with an almost 13-year-old boy who is beginning to find his way in the world, while his mother has started to lose hers.

Friday, July 17, 2009

9. Ipod+bad rapping= no no!

When this song came out, I was flitting from one club to the next in downtown NYC. It was the days of Deep, Soul Kitchen and Nell's on a Sunday night. I thought I was so f*****g cool with my Def Jam bomber jacket, fat sneakers and bamboo earrings. But the truth is, I looked like a poser. I'm a white girl from the Midwest. What was I thinking? Well, there it is - I wasn't thinking. I was young, I was searching, I was in the thick of the coolest thing in the country.

But it's 20 years later. I'm not on the cutting edge of anything (even using that tired cliche proves my point) unless you count subscribing to KCRW and shopping at Trader Joe's. 

I love music, and I manage to stay current. Occasionally, though, I'll take a trip down memory lane.

I've learned it's best to keep that to myself, at least when singing along.


  1. reminds me of the time that eli came home and i was dancing around to outkast doing "hey ya" on snl. eli, being a mature 16 or so, gave me a big smile and hug and said, "hey, mom's gettin' down with her bad self."

  2. That is really great! You are way ahead of me on being up on things...I couldn't embarrass anyone's kids because I don't know any songs...and luckily for me...my girls are still so little that they just think I'm hilarious (in a good way) if i sing or dance. This blog is making me appreciate what I have now because I know my days are numbered...

  3. SARAH! You will always be on the cutting edge...xo

  4. anon is me Rhonda... not sure how this works... where is the effin guy from Abbot Kinney! and lastly I have known for a loooong time and your were never a poser.... you have always been an original authentic... clothes change...so what... you remain true.
