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I'm a single mom with an almost 13-year-old boy who is beginning to find his way in the world, while his mother has started to lose hers.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

4. Ease up on the Spray Tan

Okay, I know that a spray tan is only the tip of the iceberg with Donatella - but it would be a start. There's just no reason to be that...orange. There is nothing youthful about it, it doesn't scream "I've been in St. Bart's for the month". It just sends a sad message that a tan equals youth. And it does! That is true! A tan recalls summers squeezing lemon juice into your hair and rubbing baby oil onto your legs and belly. But those days are over. The sun's rays are poison, and looking that tan naturally is a sure death sentence. Looking that way because of a spray tan seems desperate. I'm sorry, but that's the word. Desperate and - and here's where I understand some angry reaction - old. The whole point of this blog is to find ways to look great without looking desperate, and there's just no getting around the fact that the tanner one looks, the older they look. You are defeating your very objective! While spraying yourself orange to maintain a youthful glow, you're only succeeding in calling attention to your no longer smooth, plump skin.

My advice? Sunscreen, hat, and Retin-A. 

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